Dear Mr. Janszen,
I am writing to let you know how delighted I am with the JansZen zA2.1a’s. To my ears (and those of everyone else who’s heard them) they make reproduced music uniquely absorbing, fascinating, and enjoyable
In my room, the zA2.1a’s have an uncanny ability to place performers in an appropriately scaled, convincing acoustic space and to allow me to hear individual performers and instrumental lines – even within large groups. When reproducing smaller groups, the zA2.1a’s are uniquely revealing of each player’s expressive subtleties.
In fact, the zA2.1a often makes instruments sound like “the real thing.” By that, I don’t just mean that the tonal balance of instruments seems correct. Rather, I also mean that I can easily hear the way that sound resonates in and emanates from the bodies of instruments and vocalists.
I’ve never heard reproduced music sound quite so beautiful.
Until I heard the zA2.1a’s the highest praise I could imagine speakers deserving was “They transport me to the concert hall if I listen with eyes closed.” On many recordings the zA2.1a’s make me question the eyes that, when open, tell me I’m listening to speakers.
I recently demonstrated them for a friend using well recorded classical music. While he said that their sound was the best he’d ever heard, he wondered whether they’d sound as good on recordings of lesser quality. In response to his challenge, I put on the first Rolling Stones CD that came to hand. We were both amazed by the amount of (never previously evident) musical information the zA2.1a’s revealed – and by the fact that they revealed that information without sounding the tiniest bit harsh.
Another friend who has long held that quality of reproduction has no impact on his enjoyment of the music he prefers recently dropped by with a few CD’s in hand. About 15 seconds after I started playing his first CD, he turned to me and said, with a smile, “Thanks for ruining my life.”
Barnet Feingold