This is PC-only software for setting all the parameters of the Hypex amplifiers and DSP. It includes a very easy to use, graphically oriented filter development application. You can download HFD v4.95 and the documentation for it from here.
Note: It is possible to get into trouble with this software, so unless we've participated in your session using a remote desktop application, you might find that you've caused a malfunction that will require us to charge for off-warranty work.
You can download the latest Hypex firmware from here. This gets updated fairly often, but the changes typically will be unnoticeable in the context of the JansZen amplifier implementation. It's thus best to wait for a recommendation from JansZen before taking the trouble to perform an update.
If you're not sure whether that link points to the latest version, you can go to the Hypex plate amp page, and click the Downloads tab.
Instructions for loading the firmware: